Getting your app ready for production

Getting your app ready for Production

This guide details the steps required before publishing your app to the Apple and Google stores. This guide grow in detail overtime and will include more information in future updates.

Update iOS bundle identifier and Android package

In your app.json, the iOS bundleIdentifier and the Android package is currently set to com.launchtodayhq.reactnativeboilerplate (and if you purchsed the upgraded boilerplate, it's com.launchtodayhq.reactnativeboilerplateupgraded).

These values need to be updated to match your app. The format for these values is com.<COMPANY_NAME>.<APP_NAME>. Once you've updated the app.json with the new identifiers, following these instructions:

For iOS

  1. delete the ios
  2. run expo run:ios - this will recreate the ios directory. You will be prompted to confirm the bundle identifier for the app
  3. you also need to enable the Sign in with Apple capability in Xcode (follow the instructions here (opens in a new tab))
  4. finally, update the Redirect URL's in the URL configuration section of your Supabase account.
  5. for Android, run expo run:android - this will recreate the android directory. Again, you will be prompted to confirm the bundle identifier for the app
  6. for Android, you need to re-upload the SHA certificate since it was deleted in step 1. Follow the instructions here (the set the SHA-1 signing certificate fingerprint part)

For Android

  1. delete the android directory
  2. for Android, run expo run:android - this will recreate the android directory. Again, you will be prompted to confirm the bundle identifier for the app
  3. for Android, you need to re-upload the SHA certificate since it was deleted in step 1. Follow the instructions here (the set the SHA-1 signing certificate fingerprint part)

Once complete, you should see the following file changes:

Supabase Site URL

In the URL configuration section of your Supabase app, you need to update the Site URL. During development you will have set this value as your IP address and port, however, the value for production should use the bundle indentifier for iOS or the package name for Android. It will resemble the following:


You need to update the Site URL by replacing the IP address and port with the bundle identifier or package name of your app. This is an example of the change you would make:


Deploy the backend API service

You will need to find an appropriate method for deploying the backend service on production. Here are a few example services you can use:

  1. Flightcontrol (opens in a new tab) - recommended
  2. DigitalOcean (opens in a new tab)
  3. Render (opens in a new tab)
  4. AWS (opens in a new tab)

As authentication is handled via Supabase, you will need to ensure once deployed authenticated can access the endpoint for initiating payments.