Backend API Service Setup

Introduction to the Backend API Service

The backend API functions as an intermediary, facilitating interactions between the mobile app and third-party services. Presently, its primary function is to manage payment initiation through Stripe. Plans for expanding the service include features like push notifications, email triggers, support for in-app purchases, and more.

Getting Started

To get started, clone the launchtodayhq/react-native-boilerplate-backend repository by running the following command:

git clone [YOUR_APP_NAME]

Alternatively, you can download the source code directly from the latest release (v1):

Once complete, run the following commands:

cp .env.example .env

Launching the service

You should be able to run the service by running:

yarn start

You can test to see if the service is running correctly by making a GET request to http://localhost:8080/hello - you should see the following response:

"Hello, this endpoint works! 🎉"

API Functionality

In src/routes/stripe.ts, the /createPaymentIntent endpoint is designed to:

  • create a Stripe Customer object to track users in payment transactions
  • generate a PaymentIntent object using the created Customer ID, which represents an individual payment and handles the payment details.

Middleware use

In src/authMiddleware.ts, middleware logic is introduced to ensure that all payment transactions are initiated by verified users. It checks for a valid token and if authentication fails, the request is terminated with a 401 status code. The middleware is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the payment process by preventing unauthorized access and ensuring that each payment is linked to a verified user account in Supabase.


You can read the Stripe documentation (opens in a new tab) on Payment Intents for more information.

Update the EXPO_PUBLIC_BACKEND_SERVICE_URL environment variable in the app

Once you have successfully setup and launched the backed service, make sure you update the EXPO_PUBLIC_BACKEND_SERVICE_URL environment variable in the boilerplate app to the URL the service is running on (the default url is http://localhost:8080). Make sure you restart the expo application whenever you update the .env file to ensure expo picks up the newly created environment variable.


By following these instructions, you have established the foundational backend API service for your React Native app.